Cyber Academy

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  • Platform - PC
  • Engine - Unity
  • Programming Language - C#
  • Role - Gameplay systems programming
  • Objective - Create gameplay systems for quests in the game.

Cyber Academy is a simple 2D exploration game where the player has to complete a set of mini-games, with the primary goal being to score as many points as possible in one session. Upon completing the game if the player successfully achieved a top score this would then be presented on the title-screens leaderboard.

The game is comprised of a single joystick which is used to move around the level and an action button which is used to interact with the NPCs in the game as well as the various mini games. There are 5 mini games available and to finish the game the player is required to complete each one. These mini games were designed to educate about a particular area of cybersecurity as specified in the brief my team was given.


CyberAcademy was the result of a cybersecurity game jam that was hosted by PlayWest in April 2017. The requirement was to create a game which would allow all manner of individuals to learn about various aspects of cybersecurity. These aspects were layed out as part of the project brief, which included topics such as not plugging unknown USB sticks into computers and the importance of encryption.

For the game jam me and me and my team decided to create a small scale competitive game where the goal was to hack as many computers as possible before the time ran out. Each computer would then have one of a variety of small mini-games which the player would have to hack in order to take control of the computer and gain points. These mini games would then be used as our primary vector for teaching the player about cyber-security. We created the prototype within the alloted time and me and my team were successfully able to get nominated as one of the winners. This allowed us to get the go ahead to develop a full game based on the prototype we presented. Development of this game started in early June 2017 continuing over the summer and concluding in early October 2017 at which point it was presented in the universities business centre as part of cybersecurity week.


I was responsible for developing the games quest system which was the core component used to track players progress, and developing a minigame based around creating secure passwords. In the minigame the player would be required to set some new passwords for some computers and would have to set these passwords based on a set of hints given by the game.

Project Details

Date: Oct 17, 2017

Author: Nathan Butt et al.

Categories: Team Project,Client Work

Tagged: Games, 2D, Unity engine, PalyWest

Client: PlayWest (UWE internal development studio)


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A humble software engineer with a keen desire to learn and explore.